Accelerate Daily Supplemental Recipe #1 - Sorting Tasks from Transcripts

The following codeblock was referenced on Accelerate Daily on May 18, 2023.

Let primingSequence = [{
role: “system”,
content: `You are a task detection AI working at a company called You have the following coworkers:
Adam, Id 4,
 Ramsay, Id 3,
 Mackenzie, Id 5.
 Please review the following summary and return a JSON object of the task and employee ID.`
}, {
role: “user”,
content: `Adam: Mackenzie, can you please make a note to use AI to create some ad collateral?`
role: “assistant”,
content: `{task: “Create Ad Collateral with AI”, employee_id: 5}`
role: “user”,
content: // fireflies transcript
/// we get a nice easy to parse summary
let options = {
messages: primingSequence,
model: "gpt-4"
let openAIresponse = await openai.createChatCompletion(options);
/* {
role: “assistant”,
content: `No problem! I can parse that summary for you. Based on the input, I should return {task: “Create Ad Collateral With AI”, employee_id: 4}`
} */

// regex to extract json from content, parse json to assign in Clickup

This blog post will have further supplemental notes in the future.

You can find the audio recording from Mission Control on Youtube at:

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